


/Building a Winning BREAKFAST for Athletes
WEBNARS Building a Winning BREAKFAST for Athletes

Webinar conducted

Building a Winning BREAKFAST for Athletes

10 Jul 2024, 11:15 AM

Graphy Live Meeting


Is skipping breakfast hindering your performance? 

Join our FREE webinar discover how breakfast can be your champion's fuel!

In this power-packed 30-40 minute session, you'll learn:

- Why is breakfast important for athletic performance?
- What are the consequences of skipping breakfast?
- What essential macronutrients do athletes need?
- How to create a balanced breakfast plate?
- What are some quick and nutritious breakfast options?
- What practical guidelines can enhance breakfast routines for athletes?

Don't miss out!

More about the hosts

Testimonial | Photograph | {{name}}

Rashmi Cherian

Performance Nutrition Expert


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